Andrea Diewald
Managing Director GACC NY (Hamburg office)

Andrea Diewald is the Managing Director of the Hamburg office of the German American Chamber of Commerce New York (GACC NY) and has been with the company since 2011. After having successfully served as leader of the Market Entry & Recruitment team in Manhattan, she went back to Germany in 2014 to establish new services in the field of innovation and startup relations. 4 times a year, the GACC NY organizes 5-day bootcamps in Manhattan, Boston and Silicon Valley for German IT and high tech startups wanting to broaden their connections to to renowned US VC-investors and potential clients. Top-notch workshops on how to successfully start a business in the U.S. help German founders to better understand their potential overseas. Ms. Diewald specializes in the development of individual internationalization strategies and sales and is an expert in German American relations. Further information please check:
Part of Startupnight / its events in:2017