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Eric Grieben


Eric Grieben

MINEKO found out that 81% of all utility bills issued in Germany are flawed. On average a private tenant pays 221 € too much because of incorrect bills. So, MINEKO built up a team of legal and automation experts and is now capable to provide a high quality legal check of private and commercial utility bills at a fraction of the costs of a lawyer.

Eric took over the CEO position at MINEKO early this summer. Before he co-founded HelloCoach (a mobile app for amateur sport teams), developed and marketed rebound (a drink to cure the world from painful hangovers) and worked more than 3 years in Management Consulting (Mücke, Sturm & Company, A.T. Kearney).

Eric holds a BSc in Business Administration from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and a double degree MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from EM Lyon Business and Purdue University.


Speaking at
Conference 2017

Part of Startupnight / its events in:2017