Thomas P. Offner
Quarterback PricewaterhouseCoopers

Thomas P. Offner is bridging the gap between the corporate and the start-up world - in his self defined role as a Quarterback for PwC.
Until recently Thomas has been working for Straight Point Ventures where he successfully consulted and (hands-on) managed several big players and projects (selection of projects):
- Media Saturn Holding, where he was the co-founder of the group's accelerator program MS-Spacelab that he designed and set-up including vision, strategy, processes, sponsorship and mentoring program.
- EY, where he helped to bring the EY Start-up-Challenge, an international EY Accelerator program, to Germany.
- Roland Berger, where he was in charge of the preparing a digital transformation project for an international CE company.
Before that he was active for SevenVentures, the venture arm of ProSiebenSat.1, where he founded the SevenVentures Pitch Day (, co-founded and managed the ProSiebenSat.1 accelerator and was responsible for several strategic investments in digital commerce start-ups.
The business management graduate held management positions in numerous European companies, such as Intel, Audi and Siemens and has successfully founded and/or developed several Internet start-ups, including his first venture, Media Service Group, in the late 90s, fatfoogoo (successfully sold to Digital River) and also Groupon in Austria and Switzerland as co-founder (IPOed).
Thomas studied business administration in Vienna, and also worked as a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Joanneum in Graz and FH Salzburg, Austria.
Part of Startupnight / its events in:2017