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We changed the concept of our conference entirely.

  • Startupnight 2015 Conference Startupnight 2015 Conference

Our goal is to enable communication and foster networking between the conference participants, corporates and investors.
We want to provide contacts and individual learning opportunities for everyone involved, both before and even after the conference.

The sponsors of Startupnight, their startup engagement groups and innovation centers will be directly addressed as a further target group and will be represented with relevant topics and personalities. The target group of investors, venture funds and financial structures will be addressed as a third pillar.

The conference will begin with a keynote. Afterwards the participants can engage in workshops, discussions, fireside chats, and much more. All sessions are moderated and will start with short pitches, impulse lectures or presentations on the session subject.

We will focus on

  • Inspiration: New technologies, trends, methods and tools
  • Connect - Best Practice: Case Studies of Corporates and Startups
  • Technology: We will have experts who will give insights on trends & research fields
  • Money: Speaks for itself.


Insight views on engaging with corporates is a theme we are especially pleased to offer at the conference. Addressing the roadblocks and challenges and exposing opportunities remains the key drivers for this conference.
The initial list of conference speakers will be announced shortly.

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