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Focus topic: Recruiting

The next few years will see radical changes in the job market. The transformation is already in full swing; tech, code, information technology in general are increasingly taking their place alongside classic engineering skills.

  • Focus topic: Recruiting Focus topic: Recruiting

In the past, OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) in Germany have won skilled workers and engineers from the leading universities of technology, the so-called TU9. But in the light of rapid technology shifts, they now need to attract new target groups. Car manufacturers and other industrial companies must define how they are going to develop their business in a world which is ruled by software. When it comes to recruiting, the new target groups for these tasks have different ideas and demands; they do not have companies like Volkswagen as an employer on their radar at all.

New work

In the Volkswagen Group, for example, the IT department already had 10k employees, but they were not responsible or suitable for the topic of CarOS. The group has therefore consolidated all software activities and departments at its new brand Cariad. Cariad has its own collective agreement that serves the interests of the community, is also more short-cycle, and reflects new forms of work, but also different time zones.

Deutsche Telekom is also transforming towards a software-based company. The skills needed are just the same as in other industries like mobility or energy. So what are the drivers for software developers to join a large corporate or a startup? Is it money? The topic to work on? Flexibility regarding working hours and location? Or even Unternehmensbeteiligung? :-) 

Ongoing transformation

Startups and corporates are fishing in the same talent pool and look to politics for support. The ongoing transformation in all kinds of businesses and the public administration calls for new skills, new relationships between companies and employees, and for far-reaching reforms in education. The up and coming generation of talents is used to agile, fast-changing and remote work relationships, at the same time showing a high willingness for flexibility and adaptability, while the flip side of these phenomenons may be a lessened sense of loyalty.

How corporates and startups alike can win these much-needed minds for their ambitious business plans and transformation projects is one of the core topics of this years Startupnight #SUN21.

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