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Free Potential Diagnosis with WAfM Diagnostik!

Another goodie of this year's Startupnight will be provided by WAfM Diagnostik. All Startupnight visitors who purchase tickets in advance, up to two days before the start of the event, will receive an EPAplus worth 250€ as a gift!

  • WAfM WAfM

EPAplus is a novel procedure for job-specific aptitude assessment and is designed for optimized applicant selection (and, if applicable, potential analysis of your team).

EPAplus provides fascinating insights into the connection between personality and behavior. The combination of measurement tools behind EPAplus are unique. It is the only diagnostic tool that can relate the four levels of a personality to each other and thus conspicuous constellations can be addressed directly. EPAplus can make the unconscious visible and match it with the conscious motives, thus providing a new picture of the employee and candidate.

Get your ticket now! #noexcuses

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