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Opening of Startupnight 2023

Startup activity declines sharply, as do fundings. At the same time, we face mega-problems that need innovative answers.

The term "innovative" is already in the title of the coalition agreement of the current Senate of Berlin. The city government strives to further develop Berlin into one of the most important business and technology locations in Europe.

Among the measures to achieve these goals are:

👉 Further develop the Berlin Startup Fellowship and extend it to 12 months.

👉 Found the GovTech Campus Berlin to facilitate and intensify collaboration between Berlin's SME and startup scene and the Berlin administration.

👉 Push for a Bundesrat initiative that will enable founders from non-EU countries to start up under specified criteria.

These are some of the urgent topics that Startupnight founder Cem Ergün-Müller is going to discuss with the participants of this panel:

👉 Michael Biel, State Secretary, Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises

👉 Hinrich Holm, Chairman of the Board, Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB)

👉 Stefan Franzke, CEO, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH

👉 Oliver Merlin, Managing Director, IFA Berlin

Attend to listen to the plans of the decision makers on how they aim to enhance the startup ecosystem of Berlin.

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