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Post-Victory Ukraine Startup Pitch Competition

As a part of SUN X this year we are happy to announce a “Post-Victory Ukraine” project that aims to encourage startups to bring up their innovative ideas and help Ukraine to recover.

  • Post-Victory Ukraine Startup Pitch Competition Post-Victory Ukraine Startup Pitch Competition

It consists of a startup pitch competition which started on August 1 and will culminate during the prime time of Startupnight on Sept 9 where the finalists will present their ideas to the public and a jury. There will also be a panel discussion about the Ukraine’s recovery plans and forecasts. 

On July 4, Ukraine presented a "Marshall" plan which the Ukrainian government and an international expert team estimate will require investments of $765 billion until 2032. This gives startups plenty of opportunities as recovery is needed in most of the industries.

Applications are welcome until August 31!

Your Startupnight Team
#SUNX #noexcuses

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