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Newsletter First Insights into Conference

It has been a while that only large corporations offered innovation for entire industries. Now startups are disrupting industries with business
modell and technological innovation, which are based on the latest research results. 

  • Startupnight 2017 conference news Startupnight 2017 conference news

But corporates will not disappear.

So the future for them lies also in cooperating on eye-level with startups. 
What is it like for startups work with corporates? What do corporates expect from startups and how can they cooperate in a for both sides beneficial way?

How can corporates support startups with their structures and network without stopping the speed and flexible approaches of startups?  With people who understand both sides. The good, the bad and the ugly. 
The focus of our conference is the direct exchange between startups and corporates. With people who understand both sides. The good, the bad and the ugly. 
We offer workshops, panel discussions, fireside chats and presentations around:

  • Inspiration - The world is great - so much inspiration for our daily work & life
  • Technology - What are the relevant technological trends and impacts?
  • Connect – Best practices of corporates & startups
  • Money - How to find the right investors

And we will bring speakers who know what they are talking about about.


Johann JungwirthJohann Jungwirth
Chief Digital Officer Volkswagen AG
Insights on Volkswagen ambitions with startups

Johann JungwirthBen Broshi
Chief Digital Officer Deutsche Telekom Medien
Chatbots - the answer for future services

Johann JungwirthJulian Riedlbauer
Partner GP Bullhound
Early Stage VC Panel


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More information about our conference soon at our conference page.

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