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Once again this year, as part of the Saturday conference, we have organised VC/corporate speed dating. It will be taking place from 5-7pm, the first hour being VC-dating and the second being corporate.

  • Startupnight 2015 conference Startupnight 2015 conference

Our speed dating will feature VCs and corporates from big companies, and they’re willing to give you honest feedback on a business idea you may have, hints and tips for getting into the startup world or maybe just general advice about the world of business. You can expect to meet people from companies such as IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft, Elephant&Castle Capital, Deutsche Bank and many more. 

There will also be an opportunity to meet Christoph Räthke, founder of Berlin Startup Academy, as his G-Force meet-up is taking place during Startupnight.You can find him on Saturday 3rd September between 8-10pm, at VW Financial Drive – so make sure you get your tickets!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!