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Startupnight @STARTUP JOBS FAIR June 30th

Startup Jobs Fair wants to connect startups with people looking for new job opportunities and offer the chance to discover great ideas and meeting inspiring people.

  • Startupnight @STARTUP JOBS FAIR Startupnight @STARTUP JOBS FAIR

It is a unique opportunity to either find a job or hire exceptional talents. The event is open to everyone from professional to entry level job seekers.

Startupnight will be there with a booth and is looking forward to get in contact with you. Additionally Cem Ergün-Müller, founder of Startupnight, will speak there about Transformational Confidence from 15:10-15:45.
So meet us there!

Where: BARMER, Axel-Springer-Straße 44, 10969 Berlin
When: 30th June 2017 (14:00 to 20:00)

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