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SUN X Incubator & Accelerator Day: Workshop Program

Besides offering a full program of stage sessions and panels, SUN X Incubator & Accelerator Day also has some highly valuable workshops in store for you!

  • I&A I&A

In her workshop "Protoyping on a Budget“, Tayla Sheldrake from Motionlab will explain how to develop low-fidelity hardware prototypes, test them and generate traction. This skill allows you to visualize your ideas quickly by focusing on the essential parts of your design. By the end of the session you will have created a prototype with your hands based on a concept you will develop, and present it to your colleagues.

Another workshop is about Lean Metrics for Startup Founders. Here you can learn how evidence-driven product and service development works (Validated Learning), set operational goals and prioritize your startup development. We will be using the Startup Cockpit (by Prof. Dr. Sven Ripsas) and try out some Key Metrics. Sharpen your operational focus, make priorities and build a Startup Cockpit for your own startup. 

In her workshop on Design Thinking, Prof. Dr. Melike Demirbag-Kaplan will provide you with an insight into decision-making processes, human rationality and irrationality, thinking errors, fixation and cognitive bias. Importantly, you will develop a methodical approach on how you can avoid these common thinking pitfalls!

A Berlin Startup Scholarship or an Exist scholarship allow you to focus full-time on your idea in the very early stage. But how to go on further? Often founders forget about the public side of funding. In this workshop, Berlin Partner and Investitionsbank Berlin will highlight the opportunities the public sector in Berlin offers to help startups to reach their goals and make the next step to a Berlin grown startup company.

Grants, cliffs, ESOP – if you are new to the startup world, legal vocabulary can seem like a jungle. In his workshop on Legal 101 for Early Startups, Dr. Daniel Cracau from HTW shares with you the basics on how to prepare yourself and your team for the legal standards. Learn about templates for the early stage, e.g. contracts for interns/working students or convertible notes, and how to find a good legal advice for more advanced topics.

Last, but not least, we answer the question: What does it take to successfully pitch to an investor? Learn from Constantin "Tino" Schmutzler and Dr. Matthieu Voss what to take care of when creating your pitch deck and standing in front of investors. In the workshop you will also have the chance to get feedback about your idea and how to increase your chances of success.

Taking part in any of these awesome workshops is easy: Just register on the corresponding workshop's page and have a valid ticket for Incubator & Accelerator Day (or SUN X Ticket).

About Startupnight

Startupnight is brought to you by Deutsche Telekom and hubraumBerlin PartnerInvestitionsbank BerlinStartup Incubator Berlinmedianet berlinbrandenburgWLOUNGECrowdfoods, and On the Rock, and is supported by Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

Startupnight supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Make use of Deutsche Bahn Event Ticket if you have to travel to Berlin. Use the Jelbi app to have Berlin’s entire public transport and sharing services in one place and find your way to Französische Straße 33 a-c in 10117 Berlin. You may also consider to offset your CO₂ emissions by a donation to an organization such as atmosfair.

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