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SUN X Review - Diversity Night: What does diversity mean in the different startup ecosystems? 

Does diversity mean the same depending on the city your startup is evolving in? We wanted to get general impressions from different cities and took a look at actions, programs and supports available in those respective ecosystems.

  • Panel Panel

In particular, we had a close look at Paris, Berlin and London through the experience and testimonials of our speakers: Deborah Choi, Founderland, Sana Al Badri, SageWealth, Miriam Ducke, London & Partners, Ferdinand Mühlhäuser, Founder Institute, and Marie-Avril Roux Steinkühler LL.M., French Tech Hub Berlin. Our wonderful moderator was Anne Le Rolland from Berlin Partner. 

Follow the discussion as it happened on September 7, 2022 to get some take aways helping to build up a more diversity sensitive environment in your companies.

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