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Sebastian Weyer

Venture Developer

Sebastian Weyer

Sebastian works as a Venture Developer at WATTx, a Berlin-based company builder focusing on creating deep tech companies that solve industrial and consumer problems with a user-centric approach. Within its first year of operation, WATTx has founded four startups ranging from complex IoT infrastructures to privacy-preserving data processing.
Following his studies in International Business Administration (BSc.) and Marketing Management (MSc.) in Rotterdam, Sebastian moved to Berlin and gathered first tech experience while working for a startup focusing on new hosting technologies. With a growing enthusiasm for technology applications, he started as one of the first employees at WATTx in 2015 and has since seen the company grow over 25 employees.
Next to his work at WATTx, he is co-running a course on personal professional development at the Rotterdam School of Management taught to MSc. students.


Speaking at
Conference 2017

Part of Startupnight / its events in:2017