Claudia Pohlink
Head of AI Deutsche Telekom T-Labs

Claudia Pohlink, Head of Intelligence at Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories:
Having a background in Data Science, Data Management as well as Innovation Management, Claudia Pohlink seamlessly connects business and Data Science aspects of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Since T-Labs has established AI as a core innovation area in 2017, the research facility of Deutsche Telekom is one of the most active players in AI in Berlin.
Claudia’s team focuses mainly on the use of AI methods, such as machine learning (ML), in network-relevant use cases focusing on emerging next generation communication networks like 5G and automation of core-network capacity planning.
Projects from Claudia’s previous position in the Deutsche Telekom’s Chief Data Office include “Data Cockpit” (data transparency and data control for end customers) and “PIA (Portal for Intelligence & Analytics)” (internal community for data and AI use cases).
Moreover, she plays an active role in Berlin’s AI/ML and start-up communities and regularly shares her knowledge as guest speaker and reviewer at Berlin’s universities (bbw Hochschule, Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Steinbeis Hochschule).
Part of Startupnight / its events in:2018