Deepa Gautam-Nigge
Next-Gen Innovation Network Manager SAP SE

Deepa is heading the SAP Next-Gen Innovation Network in Munich. SAP Next-Gen is a vibrant community for “innovation with purpose” related to the UN Global Goals of sustainability with SAP’s strategic and most innovative customers, high class Universities with their Entrepreneurship Centers, top-notch StartUps and successful Venture Firms to jointly drive future innovation.
Being always passionate about connecting new technologies and business Deepa is also supporting Munich based Venture Captital Firm Earlybird as a Venture Advisor and is coaching StartUps with her expertise in G2M of new technologies and Network Sales as well in terms of VC Funding.
Deepa holds a degree in economics from RTWH Aachen – where she studied Technology & Innovation Management, Industrial Logistics and Operations Research. She started her career back in 2001 at Trovarit AG a VC-backed University SpinOff from FIR - Instiute for Operations Management at RWTH Aachen - aiming to change the way of selecting standard ERP/CRM-Solutions, by launching the online platform and a scalable service portfolio around it.
Deepa initially joined SAP in October 2006 and was in charge of various roles in Partner Sales and Business Development. After spending almost 4 years with Microsoft Germany HQ Munich in similar roles, she rejoined the SAP World in January 2017.
For the Network “Global Digital Women” she is currently heading the Munich Chapter supporting visibility and empowerment of the next generation of digital female leaders and is a true role model for working mums (e.g. featured in German Issue of COSMOPOLITAN, 02/2018).
Compiling the various experiences, she gained over her professional career Deepa founded the global program “SAP Next-Gen Advisors” to establish supporting structures to encourage young talents to dare the “adventure of founding” and to foster Diversity or Gender Balance within young companies.
Deepa is frequent speaker/panelist regarding:
- Driving Innovation in the new world of ecosystems
- SAP Next-Gen Advisors – Mentoring Program
- IsarValley . StartUp-Community Munich
- New Work / Future of work
Part of Startupnight / its events in:2018