Lara is the first product of Adsistant, a new start-up in the Cologne area. Lara is a voice-controlled assistant for advertising and marketing that helps people to create media content faster, reach many more customers, or find affordable marketing services. It is a very easy way to advertise.
What is the problem you are solving?
Many companies have limited access to marketing and advertising know-how and services. Also they can´t afford expensive agencies or marketing professionals as well as difficult to use traditional software solutions. Using Lara, people benefit from the creativity, the experience and the possibilities as usually only global enterprises with huge marketing budgets have.
What is unique about your solution?
Lara is the first voice-controlled advertising assistance using artifical intelligence. It offers marketing and agency know-how, advertising content as well as access to marketing and advertising services. Lara is available on all devices and is made for single users, teams or global businesses. Lara is sold at a price of only 9,99 EUR per user and month.