Beaconinside GmbH
In a mobile driven world we specialize in completing the customer journey with offline data, bringing insights into and understanding of customer behavior. Our platform enables you to use relevant POS technologies to gather in-store customer data and to increase the shopping experience.
What is the problem you are solving?
Retailers and companies from the service industry are using several online and mobile services. (e.g. Webtrekk, Gigya, Oracle or Adobe Marketing Cloud, SAP Hana,...) But they are always missing relevant offline data to complete their view on the customer journey. Beaconinside helps to collect the data within the venues and analyses and visualizes this data. In this way we are enabling companies to enrich existing data pools via APIs and deep system integrations.
What is unique about your solution?
One single SDK to cover all relevant POS/POI technologies as Beacons, Geofence, NFC etc. Our Proximity DMP allows to manage even large infrastructures with 100.000+ beacons easily and to share these infrastructures with partners and 3rd party services as well. Due to integrations in already existing in-store infrastructures, retailers can also set up beacon-based services without rolling out own infrastructures.