Call a Midwife GmbH
Call a midwife answers to the demand in midwifery care by offering time and location-independent on-call support by experienced midwifes via video and text Chat.
What is the problem you are solving?
A shortage in midwifery care arose in Germany. In particular pregnant women and families in rural and metropolitan areas are exposed to this problem. Nevertheless, those who have a midwife often complain about availability. In Europe about 4,4 Million Babies are born with no or limited access to midwifery care. Searching the internet for health issues takes a lot of time and leads to misleading and confusing answers.
What is unique about your solution?
So far call a midwife is the only online platform offering this kind of service including a bundle of comprehensive digital products, such as video advisers and online trainings all regarding pregnancy and the time after issues. The supporting midwifes have different cultural backgrounds and speak different languages to meet the needs of globalization. In particular, the individual and personal company during pregnancy and the time after strengthens the emotional bond.