diversicon develops skills of people in the autism spectrum with the aim to place them into work. diversicon aspires to a win-win-win-situation on three levels: people with autism find a meaningful job, companies find skilled employees, society benefits from inclusion and diversity, and the government pays less aid money.
What is the problem you are solving?
diversicon tackles the problem of high unemployment among people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). People with ASD often have special skills. They are intrinsically motivated and in many cases very well trained. However, they often have difficulties with social interactions and communication, resulting in problems with finding jobs.
Of the ca. 800.000 people with ASD living in Germany, it is assumed that ca. 85% are unemployed. Among them are many non-activated skilled professionals. Hence, this is not only a social problem. Rather it is an economic problem that entails a high cost for society. In the current situation, there are only losers: unemployed people with autism, companies that need skilled employees and the tax payer who pays considerable transfer benefits.
What is unique about your solution?
In Germany diversicon is the only organization of its kind that offers its services with a comprehensive approach, aiming to sustainable bring people into permanent job positions. Our autism-specific work-related training modules and the subsequent job placement are unique characteristics of our approach.