tip me - das globale Trinkgeld
Imagine you could tip those who have made your product. You buy a coffee online and tip those who have plucked it.
What is the problem you are solving?
We are living in a where every t-shirt we buy has seen more of the world than we have. Within seconds we can send pictures of our vegan breakfast around the globe. Never has our world been this connected. And never has it been so easy do make it a better place. Around 1-5% of the price we pay in Europe goes to the producers. So a tip, a small gesture of gratitude, can double, tripple or even tenfold the salary of those behind your product. On the other hand we want the consumers to feel a connection to the products they buy. And the people who have made them.
What is unique about your solution?
For the first time we as consumers can directly influence the global supply chain. We don´t have to trust in certificates or brands. If we want a fair globalization we can create it ourselves. There are many charity plug-ins and affiliate programs for good, but we are the only initiative of our kind giving the value back to the people who have created it.