Travel to Live
Travel to Live makes it fun and easy for friends to plan great trips together.
What is the problem you are solving?
There are different levels of engagement when friends are planning trips together. Every trip has planners and joiners. Planners are the guys trying to make the trip happen and getting everything booked. Joiners love travelling too but they don't like all that other stuff - or they just don't have time. Often, the planner ends up planning alone but that doesn't mean the joiners don't want to have a say too.
What is unique about your solution?
Existing travel planners or even general apps (like whatsapp) are focused on the planner. They're either not for groups, not fun, or just overwhelm the joiners. Imagine planning your group trip on whatsapp. You probably have had 50 messages waiting for you at some point. What if, instead of 50 messages, you had only 5 things to vote on? Travel to Live makes travel planning fun and easy for both groups, so that everybody is happy.