We are a REAL green Datacenter and we'll lead the Internet in a sustainable future.
What is the problem you are solving?
Data centers are causing more global CO2 emissions than the whole aviation industry with rising tendency. Realising this we founded Windcloud to built the first data center powered with energy directly from a wind farm.
By using wind energy we do not only avoid negative effects on the environment but do also create cost benefits that we transfer directly to our customers. Therefore, we are offering green and cost efficient datacenter services, e.g. cloud and webhosting, that are moreover safely hosted in Germany.
With our innovative approach by combining energy intensive IT-infrastructure with renewable energies, we play our part to web sustainability.
What is unique about your solution?
At our location in North Frisia, next to Denmark, we have access to huge amounts of wind energy combined with an industrial battery storage. To use this energy for our data center, wind power pioneers and young technology enthusiasts are working hand in hand in our team.