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AlephBot improves treatment efficiency, saves lives and reduces costs by capturing verbal communication and data from medical devices during medical procedures.
Taking into account medical guidelines and the patient’s records, the medical team receives valuable and relevant, real-time information, generated by applying AI to the captured data.
All is done in real-time, using artificial intelligence.
Moreover, the system auto-documents the procedures and creates medical records, thus providing risk management tool to hospitals and enabling accurate debriefing and constant improvement of teams.
AlephBot complies with new regulations that promote novel methods for better patient safety. 
AlephBot is one of three winners at the Smart Village Challenge held by the Israel Innovation Institute in cooperation with the German Embassy in Israel and the German-Israeli Chamber of Industry & Commerce. AlephBot is a finalist in "Israel Leading Health Initiative for 2018" and won Sanofi's “Tech for Health - voice assistant” challange @VivaTech 2018.

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Part of
Startupnight 2018