XignSys GmbH
XignSys provides the next generation of identity solution, XignQR: Authentication, Transaction, e-Signatures and Identity and Access Management, for all use cases, in the real and digital world. With XignQR we are focusing to solve the B2B authentication problem, e.g. for employees or partners, by completely getting rid of passwords, tokens or expensive extra hardware. Furthermore, XignQR enables to monetize existing user data, by creating one digital ID that can be used for authentication on websites, as well for eCommerce or e-Mobility, … (B2B2C). The key is the user’s personal smartphone. XignQR can be installed on-premise or used as SaaS. Both variants are interoperable. That enables to connect existing Eco-Systems or build new from the scratch. Through the XignQR Plug-In solution, the integration of XignQR is as easy as the authentication process. The XignSys team has more than 100 men-years of IT-Security experience, leading to a solution, where “Security meets Usability”.