Tracks uses AI to predict the fuel consumption of trucks in order to help the road freight industry reduce it
Tracks is on a mission to make the road freight and trucking industry cleaner, safer, more efficient, and fair. It uses machine learning methods as well as truck internal and external data to create an unprecedented understanding of the fuel consumption of trucks and of all the factors that are impacting this consumption.
Based on these predictive and prescriptive fuel analyses, Tracks provides truck fleet owners with clear and context-aware actionable insights on how to achieve fuel savings, reduce the tremendous CO2-emissions of the sector and increase the low financial margins within the industry.
Tracks' fuel management services will be available as web applications and APIs and can be easily integrated by any kind of fleet owner, regardless of the size and composition of the truck fleet as no additional hardware investment is needed.
Beyond diesel-powered vehicles, Tracks analyses can also be transferred to future hybrid and electric vehicle types.