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Pagi - Monetise any electronic device at low cost. Exact payments for pay-per-use applications become possible for the first time.

Pagi is a software that makes it possible for the first time to monetize almost any electronic device. Our software runs on a large number of already existing hardware (e.g. sockets, smart switches, gas / water valves, etc.). Older, incompatible hardware can be upgraded with Pagi at low cost.
Pagi makes it possible to create completely new business applications in the field of pay-per-use / pay-per-x. For example, a standard power socket can be converted into a charging station for e-mobility devices - inexpensively and without much effort.
Restaurants, public institutions or private households for e.g. can generate new income streams without a large investment. Providers of e-mobility services save time and money because they no longer have to charge their vehicles at remote locations. But this is only one example of many where Pagi can be used.

By using Distributed Ledger Technologies (dlt), exact payment according to consumption or usage time is possible. This is made possible by microtransactions, which even allow payments in the fraction of a cent.

Further information can be found on:
Our vision and the way Pagi works can be found in detail on:



Part of
Startupnight 2020