SWOOSH enables ordinary people to reach their financial goals with investment saving plans through a mobile app w/o the need finance expertise.
The investment offering of banks and FinTechs is targeting wealthy individuals aiming to become wealthier. We are not and instead focus on ordinary people, who today have their savings sitting on current or saving accounts. SWOOSH enables ordinary people to reach their financial goals with investment saving plans through a mobile app without the need of being a finance expert.
Therefore, we eliminate the complexity of investment and have our customers focus on their financial goals. The only thing a user needs to do - with our help - is to formulate his financial goal(s) such as the next vacation, personal reserves, a new home or something as little as the future driver’s license for a kid. Based on that SWOOSH outlines a path, how this goal can be reached best. Relevant information such as potential profits, but also related tax payments will be presented to the customer in an easy and understandable user journey of creating an investment saving plan. Our users are not overwhelmed with the question to select a specific investment product out of the thousands existing ETFs. SWOOSH defines a single investment strategy for customer and let customers focus primarily on their financial goals, which is something everybody can relate to regardless of their existing financial situation.
Defining financial goals and saving money for it is offered by other FinTechs but its new to have it automatically invested in ETFs. Also, goals can be defined for others such as your kids or partner. In addition, we will provide financial education throughout our app in an Insta-Story like format to educate our target customer and build up trust in the financial markets. Educational content will be shared via various channels.
Lastly, we are the first offering a tangible impact on the environment for every investment made. With every EUR invested a certain amount of plastic will be collected from the ocean.