RooWalk Mobility GmbH
RooWalk is empowering children with impaired mobility by developing an electrically powered
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common cause for motor disabilities in childhood with a prevalence of two per 1,000 births globally. Children with CP face significant mobility issues. Existing solutions (gait trainer, walker) are not sufficient in enabling them to move around independently in day-to-day environments as well as to overcome even smallest obstacles like doorsteps. RooWalk develops an electrically powered walker which enables users to stand upright and to walk while being able to have their hands free. It provides an extended range of movement and less exhaustive walking. Our solution simulates a parent lifting up their child from behind following any intended movements and supporting as much as needed. The technology of RooWalk builds upon the Segway principle, in which movements are triggered by minimal shifts of the user's center of gravity. The child uses its entire body to control it and lets the device automatically follow its own intentional movements without additional elements such
as joysticks.
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Startupnight 2022