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WE4ALL is the first 3D printing platform. WE bundles all requirements for the application of 3D printing technologies on one platform.

WE4ALL bundles all the requirements for the application of 3D printing technologies on one platform, connects 3D designers, 3D producers with customers and in this way creates a unique way of implementing 3D printing projects. At WE4ALL, the focus is on the customer and we want to remove all obstacles for the use of 3D printing technology for our customers. Our vision is the democratization of 3D printing technology. The core of our platform is the matching tool. It systematically takes on the customer requirements and compares them with the designer skills and the 3D printing capacities of the producers. If a match has been made, a workflow for the customer is automatically created and offered. If no match can be generated, then we manually extend the parameters. In this way, the matching tool is constantly learning. We generate matches and offer workflows 😉


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Startupnight 2023