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Preview: SUN X New Food Economy Conference and Food Startupnight

SUN X New Food Economy Conference and Food Startupnight
Whether it is plant or cell based meat, food waste or personalized nutrition, proteins from bioreactors or autonomous farming machines  – the agrifood sector has changed dramatically by innovations of startups.

  • SUN X New Food Economy Conference SUN X New Food Economy Conference

Consumers, especially younger generations, have changed their food consumption towards a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Keeping the climate change in mind, agrifood  companies are rapidly having to transform their businesses to the next level.

Digital- and tech-driven agrifood innovations disrupt the established food industry fast, the demand to adapt is high. Therefore this year's Startupnight (SUN) focuses after 2019 again on the topic of food.

On September 9, 2022, the New Food Conference and Food Startupnight at The Digital Eatery will be all about Food and Agritech. We offer an exciting conference program as well as tasty and inspiring food startup pitches.

Watch this space and get your ticket ASAP!

About Startupnight

Startupnight is brought to you by Deutsche Telekom and hubraumBerlin PartnerInvestitionsbank BerlinStartup Incubator Berlinmedianet berlinbrandenburgWLOUNGECrowdfoods, and On the Rock, and is supported by Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

Startupnight supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Make use of Deutsche Bahn Event Ticket if you have to travel to Berlin. Use the Jelbi app to have Berlin’s entire public transport and sharing services in one place and find your way to Französische Straße 33 a-c in 10117 Berlin. You may also consider to offset your CO₂ emissions by a donation to an organization such as atmosfair.

Your Startupnight Team
#SUNX #noexcuses

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