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The Road to Berlin

We had a great start of our first Road to Berlin ever!

  • The Road to Berlin - Munich The Road to Berlin - Munich
  • The Road to Berlin - Munich The Road to Berlin - Munich
  • The Road to Berlin - Munich The Road to Berlin - Munich
  • The Road to Berlin - Munich The Road to Berlin - Munich

For the first time ever we are going on The Road to Berlin.

Our first stop was in Munich on June 7th and it was taking place in the Telekom Flagship Store in the center of Munich at Marienplatz.
There we had 12 exhibiting startups, who showed their products and also pitched on stage to our jury. Finally we had two winners: IDEE and NOVA. Congratulations!
Both won a ticket to Berlin, which includes the costs for the travel and a booth at Startupnight in Berlin. Meet them in Berlin!

The famous Pitch Doctor Christoph Sollich was showing his Berlin Pitch and additionally we had a Fireside Chat with Kai Uhlig from Userlane and Deepa Gautam-Nigge from SAP about "Growth with corporates - challenges and solutions".

One of our partners, Volkswagen, was organizing a challenge with experts from Volkswagen and invited startups. They also offered a ticket to Berlin, which was going to RealSynth.

Now we are looking forward to the second stop in Cologne. Here you can find us at the Telekom Flagship Store, Schildergasse 84, 50667 Cologne.
This time we have 15 startups and again a pitching session, The Pitch Doctor, a Fireside Chat and a "How to pitch" workshop.

More information here.

Your Startupnight Team
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