All Startups sorted by name
These are the startups of Startupnight 2017 sorted by name with a short description.
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-Virtual venue @hopin
SPIN Analytics helps tier-one and digital banks improve credit risk management with its explainable AI-based platform, RISKROBOT™.
Data Analytics -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
We are the Europe's largest marketplace for sport sponsorship. We connect athletes, sports clubs and associations with sponsors. Our future vision is to make sports sponsorship easy to book & manage, analyzable and measurable by using big data algorithms and artificial intelligence.
Communication -Deutsche Bank's Atrium
STOMT simplifies and channels customer feedback across all touchpoints and analyzes and automates the whole feedback Loop.
Communication -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
store2be is an online marketplace for booking live communications, thus enhancing the offline marketing performance of a brand; additionally offering a unique way of measuring a campaign's success efficiently with the in-house Event Analytics data analysis system.
IoT/Wearables -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
The first toolkit which lets you build a DIY IoT solution in minutes.
Energy/CleanTech -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
We track and auto-optimize our users' subscriptions (electricity now, dsl and mobile phone coming next), ensuring that they are never charged too much again.
IoT/Wearables -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
tacterions technology, a sensitive and flexible surface layer called sensorskin, enables design-driven and human-centered innovation to help create the next generation of truly interactive and human centered products.
HRTech -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Platform connecting Berlin's finest developers to the city's best companies.
FinTech/InsurTech -Microsoft Atrium
The first mobile application that creates an tax return only from pictures (photographed with smartphone) of bills and documents.
AI -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
TerraLoupe detects objects in geo images - intelligent and automatically.
The core competence of TerraLoupe is intelligent automatic geo image recognition via machine learning/ deep learning.
Hardware/Robotics -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
The Mood Corp. developed a mobile fragrance diffuser that transports aromatherapy into the modern digital era.
Active fragrances interact directly with your brain. Their effect varies from energizing, relaxing, motivating to activating, and also antiviral/antibacterial.
Entertainment/Lifestyle -Microsoft Atrium
Imagine you could tip those who have made your product. You buy a coffee online and tip those who have plucked it.
Energy/CleanTech -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
A Clean-Tech company from Israel, that has 4 (four) granted Patents, in the USA. The patents are for: "Reinforced boards and/or walls, and methods of producing. In some non-limiting examples, there is provided a reinforced Gypsum board and a process for the production.
AI -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
TopView develops services based on analysis of Web users’ activity with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.
Health -Microsoft Atrium
trackle helps women to identify their individual fertility window by tracking body core temperature with a sensor and processing the data with learning algorithms.
Entertainment/Lifestyle -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Travel to Live makes it fun and easy for friends to plan great trips together.
Mobility -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
We are developing and building a new type of electric vehicle for the first and last mile delivery.
VR/AR -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Triple-E is a social platform based on Augmented Reality, which makes users able to make their own AR content right on mobile without any kind of coding require, with just 3 simple steps,
Choosing Marker,
Choosing Content,
Publish an augmented reality to the world.
HRTech -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
twago is the largest European freelance marketplace and provides online work to freelancers and agencies in the areas of programming, (web) design and business services – plus any services that can be performed remotely from anywhere in the world online.
AI -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
TwentyBN is a German/Canadian artificial intelligence technology company that builds advanced machine learning systems that understand Video.
Entertainment/Lifestyle -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Uberchord is a mobile learning platform for musical instruments that brings music education into the 21st century with best in class audio recognition for real-time feedback, an AI-based adaptive learning concept, a high-quality catalog of popular songs and a UGC platform as the next go-to place for chords and lyrics.
Security/Cloud -Microsoft Atrium
Many IoT applications have to rely on the authenticity of Data from IoT sensors - this applies even more for smart contract based offerings. We are applying a combination of cryptography and blockchain to solve this.
Entertainment/Lifestyle -Microsoft Atrium
For retail and live events, UpReach develops visual marketing technologies that increase brand engagement, facilitate lead generation and amplify social media reach.
Data Analytics -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Valsight helps startups and established businesses make better, faster, and more accurate management decisions based on intuitive financial models that anyone can use.