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Diversity Night

September 7th, 3 pm - 9 pm

The Diversity Night presents a global perspective on present and future diversity and inclusion policies and environments. It aims to focus on fundamental cultural change involving companies, media and society. The event will offer insights on: intersectionality in the workplace, gender equality, migration, generational inclusivity and the diversity gap in the tech industry.

medianet berlinbrandenburg carefully curates this year's Diversity Night at SUN X. As an interdisciplinary network community of the media, creative and digital industries in the capital region, we are proud to mirror the complexity of Diversity within the program.

Program, SEPTEMBER 7

4:20 pm -4:40 pm
"Diversity is a fact in life and it always has been. But no one told me. I spent so many years trying to adapt, to be how I think I have to be. Today… more
4:45 pm -5:30 pm
Does diversity mean the same depending on the city your startup is evolving in? We would like to get general impressions from different cities and… more
5:55 pm -6:15 pm
Our responsibility as individuals to create an inclusive environment has reached a new dimension after the artificial intelligence started learning… more
6:20 pm -7:20 pm
We do want more diversity in the workplace! But which are the structures and processes that need to be updated? Is diversity a blind spot within the… more
7:25 pm -7:40 pm
What is the connection between feminine economy and success? Why values and mission are the driver of every successful company and society, from… more
7:45 pm -8:00 pm
Today, over 60% of America’s most highly valued tech firms were founded by first- and second-generation immigrants. How can we activate this hidden… more
9:10 pm -9:40 pm
Germany would need to recruit an estimated 7.2 million new workers from abroad between 2020 and 2035 to sustain the German economy and social systems… more


05:00 pm -06:30 pm
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office, KIEV
We need a variety of minds and skills to create something useful, intuitive, and responsible for the future. In this mini-workshop, we explore… more
5:30 pm -6:30 pm
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office, PRAG
In case you want to take part, you need to register below and have a valid ticket for Diversity Night (or SUN X Ticket). Whether you are a startup… more
6:00 pm -7:00 pm
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office, BRATISLAVA
How inclusion and diversity improve meeting productivity. This workshops gives practical tips on how to maximise diverse thoughts in virtual and in-… more
6:30 pm -7:30 pm
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office, PRAG
In case you want to take part, you need to register below and have a valid ticket for Diversity Night (or SUN X Ticket). In this workshop, we will… more
7:30 pm -8:30 pm
Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office, BRATISLAVA
Even if they are equally or even better qualified, people with disabilities have a much harder time finding a job that matches their skills. And… more


Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office

Französische Str. 33 a-c
10117 Berlin


 Deutsche Telekom’s Representative Office