All Startups sorted by name
These are the startups of Startupnight 2018 sorted by name with a short description.
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Health -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Clean substances are the key for the exploration, development and production of novel drugs. Fast and scalable purification solutions are therefore required throughout the pharmaceutical value…
Blockchain -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
With high throughput, low latency, powerful query functionality, decentralized control, immutable data storage and built-in asset support, BigchainDB is like a database with blockchain…
@Commerzbank -Commerzbank
Bilendo - your cloud software for more efficiency in Accounts Receivable.
Bilendo is an AR automation platform that helps companies ensure scalable processes in accounts…
Health -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
BIOMES NGS GmbH is a biotechnology and digital healthcare company based in Wildau Germany, which has set itself the task of improving people's lives by precision nutrition & health prevention…
Health -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Analysis of biomedical data for individualized therapies - Safety system for precision medicine – Efficiency monitored by BioVariance
We offer a unique combination of two business areas:…
IoT/Hardware -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
"Complete transparency for load carriers and goods". This has been the declared goal when Bastian Burger (CEO), Philip Eller (COO) and Victoria Hauzeneder (CTO) founded blik. The Munich-based…
Blockchain -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Blockchain HELIX is a digital identity platform for a trusted and secure digital economy and society (GDPR).
Blockchain HELIX is a digital identity solution built on Blockchain technology…
Blockchain -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
The future of the financial backbone of the world will be open and decentralized. In this decentralized environment, Blockeeper provides an interface for self sovereign financial management.…
Lifestyle -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
We make sure your message gets across to your audience, in form and content. Having a great product is not enough, you need to convince customers, investors, media and the world. We support…
Health -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Bodylabs is the first professional healthcare provider that generates personalized prevention programs for employees based on the most relevant human biomarkers. A mobile health-lab, assembled…
Lifestyle -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Bonaverde is a small Berlin-based start-up looking to change the way coffee is consumed, perceived and traded. We have the worlds first coffee machine which can roast, grind and brew green coffee…
Lifestyle -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Dedicated to providing affordable water treatment facilities for low-income off-grid communities in Africa and South America. Boreal Light GmbH designs and manufactures low-cost solar-powered…
AI/Data -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Founded in 2018, BrainPlug is a spin-off from the institute for information systems at the TU Braunschweig. We use machine learning and AI technologies to automate and digitalize large parts of…
Mobility -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
We are a team of engineers, based in Aachen.
We industrialize the natural grown bamboo cane and enable its use in modern lightweight applications.
We developed a testing method to…
Lifestyle -Commerzbank
CANDIS – the Tool for the automated bookkeeping
CANDIS automates the bookkeeping for SMEs. Users link bank accounts, credit cards and PayPal accounts, conduct documents to CANDIS and benefit…
Health -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Cara Care (by HiDoc Technologies GmbH) is the first virtual clinic for chronic gastrointestinal disorders. Our evidence-based, fully mobile digital therapeutic enables patients to get nutritional…
Telecommunication -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
The digital mailbox CAYA is a leading provider of digitization and archiving of daily mail. The service enables individuals as well as small businesses to receive their otherwise physical mail…
Mobility -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Guiding New Mobility - the era of new, electric mobility has already begun, now EV-drivers demand for intelligent solutions and apps that answer their daily questions when driving electric: Where…
Energy -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Problem: Batteries for energy transition and e-mobility are too expensive and complex to handle and invoice.
Solution: Clean Energy Global enables Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) licensing…
@DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Most industries and buildings house older systems that are not fully ready for the connected world yet. Our products enable you to work smarter, helping you stay on top of the game. By providing…
-Virtual venue @hopin
The current situation on the cryptographic markets is characterized by illiquidity, enormous volatility and a serious asymmetry of information among the participants. This makes it urgent to…
AI/Data -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Founded 2015 in Berlin, conichi is spearheading innovation in the corporate travel and hotel space. We believe that hotel stays around the globe should be seamless, without the hassle of queuing…
Energy -DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
The building sector accounts for 40% of the energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in Europe. Approx. 50% of this energy is inefficiently used and more than 28% of this is due to human error…
AI/Data -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
DATAlovers offers an innovative approach to providing your sales and marketing with high-quality contacts.
IoT/Hardware -Deutsche Telekom's Representative Office
Businesses in manufacturing want to use high-resolution data collection and analysis for predictive maintenance, closed-loop quality and process control and optimization. Legacy systems - even…